by Atscale

Bi-annual journal observing upcoming tech trends through the perspectives of 24 European startup founders and investors.

Perspectives Journal


An in-depth bi-annual journal with insights, predictions, and hard data for the upcoming semester. Created in collaboration with 20+ leaders in tech. Released in digital & print


Overview of trends and learnings of each month relevant for tech founders and executives


Hard data from the questionnaire filled in by founders of the top European startups

NEW RELEASE: Preview of the H2 2024 Edition

About Atscale

We’ve been in the position you’re in now. We know the challenges, we know the frustrations, but most importantly, we know what it takes to scale successfully.

Atscale is a team of executives with a history of scaling businesses in tech-driven industries. Having experienced IPOs (NASDAQ), we have endured what it takes to create big companies. We believe that today’s start-ups are tomorrow’s economy and we want to help as many as we can reach their full revenue potential.

We work with businesses to implement a specialist infrastructure comprising industry best practices, playbooks, benchmarks and more. This ensures sales team development and healthy revenue increases as the business transitions to the next phase of growth.
Who we are - Atscale

Building Blocks

To help you maximize success in going from start-up to scale-up, we developed a framework called "Building Blocks".

This is the formula for scaling successfully, that incorporates three core value chains - People, Sales Rep Excellence, and Sales Engine.

Learn more about building blocks
Building Blocks